Distant Land Series

looking far far away and yearning to explore that mysterious unknown place

some call it Sehnsucht, longing or unknown joy, Saudade, profound nostalgia, memory with a desire, Hiraeth. words may not describe the feeling. i've felt it.

some places just call out to you. some places just tell you you're home. no matter where you go, i'll be here.

i've been wondering... if i went there, would my yearning be fulfilled? or if i got there, and then glimpsed another place even further, would i not simply yearn for that new unknown place on the horizon? must every yearning be fulfilled? can yearning co-exist with satisfaction? can impatience live with patience? what if i long for what's next, but now is exactly where i'm supposed to be right now? maybe i yearn for "that" precisely because i am "here". if i wasn't "here" then i wouldn't have seen "that". maybe "this" is what makes "that" wonderful. or maybe "that" is what makes "this" wonderful.

there are those days when i feel like the gap between where i am and where i want to be is so wide, i don't know if i'll ever get there.

if you feel the same way, i want you to know you're not alone.